State of BosaikNet Services - July through December 2019

Official BosaikNet news for everyone
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State of BosaikNet Services - July through December 2019

Post by BosaikNet »

Outside observers have probably noticed that we haven't been too active on the website. BosaikNet is still alive and well, but we mostly talk on Discord. Many of our Discord channels are linked to our IRC network, and #bosaiknet is the central hub. We're working on adding some links to our old EFnet channels so more of our EFnet holdouts can enjoy BosaikNet's chat rooms and relays.
  • Server: On our previous hardware, we had automatic server management scripts running to keep the game servers running smoothly. As you have probably noticed by now, those scripts haven't been running. That's fixed now!
  • Minecraft: BosaikCraft is up, and had a short spurt of activity when it was brought back up. It's still on 1.14.4, but an upgrade to 1.15.1 is planned once a few plugin bugs are worked out.
  • Unreal Tournament 2004: The redirect is still having issues. It will be moved to the West server soon, to relieve stress on the East server and resolve the issues of missing files.
  • Unreal Tournament 2003: I still need to figure out what I need to do with TTM to let players choose game modes and maps. With the maintenance scripts running, the UT2003 experience should be a lot smoother.
  • Garry's Mod: The server is still up, and the maintenance scripts will take care of it from now on.
  • Team Fortress 2: The issue with the server not updating has been miraculously resolved! Hats is back and cared for by the maintenance scripts.
  • Counter-Strike: Global Offensive: Still broken. I have tested it recently and it is playable, but a bunch of the mechanics set in configs are nonsensical.
  • Star Wars Jedi Knight II: This server has been officially discontinued by its leadership.
  • IRC: We've moved to the latest UnrealIRCd. West was having issues with connection capping back in the UnrealIRCd 4 days, but that issue appears to be resolved. We'll start adding more applications on the West server to verify there are no more issues, then we'll endorse West as the network hub. East is still working great, along with the other isolated nodes floating around the network. All servers have SSL/TLS.
  • ZNC: We are using a new ZNC hosted on West. If the issues with West are resolved, we'll start opening up the ZNC server to our members.
  • Forums: No changes, besides this post.
BosaikNet is currently about four and a half years old as we blast into the new decade. Community growth has been stagnant due to a lack of outreach, but we appreciate our loyal userbase for toughing it out throughout this winter of inactivity.
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Posts: 77
Joined: Wed Jun 24, 2015 10:46 am

Re: State of BosaikNet Services - July through December 2019

Post by BosaikNet »

A lot has changed in the last day.
  • BosaikNet IRC received additional Discord relays, and we now have a relay set up on EFnet. So far, the first (and only) linked channel is Caleb's Corner, a relayed Discord channel for our Skylites Computers member feature. There will be more to come in the future, such as a link to the BosaikNet UT2004 servers.
  • IRC-West is working without issue, and we were able to restore IRC services to the network. Thanks to IRC-West's performance, all of the Discord relays were moved from IRC-East over to IRC-West, which should enhance stability greatly.
  • BosaikCraft has been updated successfully to Minecraft 1.15.1, and the IRC link to BosaikNet IRC has been restored.
  • There have been some configuration changes to BosaikNet UT2004 to attempt to fix some gamemode inconsistencies and restore ServerLink stats. Migrating the redirect server is still a work-in-progress, as the redirect will likely need to be regenerated from scratch to locate all missing files.
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