CBL2 and LabPro OS 6.27 Bugs

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CBL2 and LabPro OS 6.27 Bugs

Post by notipa »

Through trial and error, I've discovered a few bugs in the OS for the CBL 2 and Vernier LabPro. All of these are tested with a LabPro with OS 6.27 using a TI-83 as the testing calculator.
  • Command 80 does not work on calculators, due to an incorrect implementation of the link protocol. Attempting to use the returned list results in an undefined variable error. Cemetech's KermMartian analyzed this here.
  • Command 110 reading page -1 (all pages combined) of sensor memory does not function on calculators. Attempting to use the returned list results in an undefined variable error. I suspect this is related to the above linking code error. When tested on a CBL 2 with OS 1.15 error 5 (number out of range) error is thrown, probably due to mode -1 not being supported on early OSes. When the command is used on a calculator, the output is instead routed to the LabPro's serial port.
There's definitely more, I just haven't described them yet. I'm still finding my old documentation, where I wrote things down.
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